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Arrow Asia Pac

New Territories, Hong Kong SAR China
More than 5000 employees

About the Company

Arrow Electronics guides innovation forward for thousands of leading technology manufacturers and service providers. With a global network of suppliers, engineers and manufacturers, Arrow is the shortest distance between what’s possible and what’s practical. Our broad portfolio that spans the entire technology landscape helps customers create, make and manage forward-thinking products that make the benefits of technology accessible to as many people as possible. We are a Fortune 109 company with 2023 sales of $33.11 billion. Our global team includes 22,000+ employees in over 85 countries. We help the world’s best technology companies think “Five Years Out,” working together to innovate the next big thing after the next big thing. Are you thinking Five Years Out? Join us at careers.arrow.com. 艾睿電子為數十萬家領先的技術製造商和服務商驅動創新,致力於發展可幫助提升商業價值及改善生活的科技解決方案。 透過全球的供應商、工程師和製造商的網絡,艾睿電子致力推動善用科技締造無限可能。我們的技術專長和方案涵蓋廣泛的領域,為創新者和工程師賦能,幫助他們創造、建立及管理明日的科技,致力於讓科技的價值惠及更多的人,讓生活變得更加美好。 艾睿電子於財富500強中位列109,2023年銷售額為330億美元。我們擁有超過22,000名員工,並於全球超過超過85個國家提供服務。我們助力全球優秀的科技企業成就更多造福人群的科技創新,以「五年睿進」的思維,探索未來,攜手共進。 如果您也認同「五年睿進」的思維, 歡迎加入我們:careers.arrow.com

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, Arrow Asia Pac’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Information Technology
  • Industry group: Technology Hardware & Equipment
  • Industry: Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components
  • Sub-Industry: Technology Distributors
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Company Address

Green 18, 18 Science Park E Ave, Science Park, Hong Kong

Source : Google maps