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Founded by : -, 1 January 1992

Hong Kong Central, Hong Kong SAR China
2001 to 5000 employees

About Smartone

SmarTone is a leading telecommunications company in Hong Kong and Macau, providing voice, multimedia and mobile broadband services, as well as fixed fibre broadband services for the consumer and corporate markets. Its goal is to deliver unbeatable and valuable experiences to customers through its powerful network, purposeful apps and passionate service. In the business market, we have a team of experienced consultants and account managers offer customers advice and solutions to maximize possibilities and elevate business performance. Its holding company, SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Limited, was established in 1992 and has been listed in Hong Kong since 1996. The company is a subsidiary of Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, one of the largest developers in Hong Kong. SmarTone是香港及澳門首屈一指的全方位通訊服務供應商,提供話音、多媒體及流動寬頻服務,以及為家居及商務市場提供固網光纖寬頻服務。 SmarTone致力提供強勢網絡、啱用apps及貼心服務,為客戶帶來無可比擬及物有所值的體驗。 在商務市場,SmarTone的資深顧問團隊和客戶經理,憑著對不同行業的深入了解和識見,能為客戶提供最適合和有效的建議及方案,以拓展商機和提升企業績效。 其控股公司數碼通電訊集團有限公司於1992年成立,並於1996年在香港上市,為新鴻基地產發展有限公司的附屬公司;新鴻基地產乃香港最大的地產公司之一。

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, Smartone’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: Communication Services
  • Industry group: Telecommunication Services
  • Industry: Diversified Telecommunication Services
  • Sub-Industry: Integrated Telecommunication Services
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Company Address

Shop, No.2, G/F No, Unicorn Trade Centre, 127-131 Des Voeux Rd Central, Central, Hong Kong

Source : Google maps