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V Beauty Cosmedical Centre

香港島, Hong Kong SAR China
51 to 200 employees

About the Company

我們一直致力提供優質服務,以客爲先及堅守誠信,注重售後服務,帶領不同年齡的你,瞭解正確美容理念及交流心得,領先采用一綫先進醫學美容儀器, 公司產品多元化,除了臉部整形美容 還有瘦身 豐胸 等多種美容護膚保健。

Industry Type

According to the GICS (Global Industry Classification Standard) version of March 2023, V Beauty Cosmedical Centre’s industry classification falls within the following categories:
  • Sector: -
  • Industry group: -
  • Industry: -
  • Sub-Industry: -
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Company Address

Hong Kong, 中環德己立街1-13號世紀廣場1503室

Source : Google maps